Lip skin, alike eyelid skin and hand skin, is one of the most prone to irritations and damages. Mouth is covered with really thin and sensitive epidermis, that is easy to get dried out, frostbitten or chapped. If we want our lips to look pretty and be healthy, then we have to take care of them in an appropriate way. For that reason, we have to apply right cosmetics and follow some beauty tricks.

There are plenty of things that can deteriorate condition of our delicate lips. These harmful determinants can be divided into three categories: atmospheric factors, mechanic factors, and the ones caused by use of inappropriate cosmetics. The first category includes low or high temperatures, strong solar radiation and cool air. Mechanic factors are all irritations of epidermis that are caused by lips biting, rubs and cold sore. Application of inappropriate cosmetics may lead to drying-out of lips as allergic reactions may be developed.

Moreover, lip care should match ongoing season, skin type as well as individual preferences. Drugstores offer a lot of lip moisturizing cosmetics. What is more, in the Internet, you can find numerous useful hints, which help you with taking care of your lips. The most crucial rules connected with the choice of products and methods of lip care are, among others, application of oiling and easing substances, use of sunscreens, regularity of beautifying treatments, and systematic use of care cosmetics. The substances, that facilitate pretty and healthy look of lips are: Vaseline, glycerin, plant oils, honey, hyaluronic acid, and chamomile. Remember to apply scrubs, moisturizing creams and lip balms. During the winter, try to avoid applying lip-glosses that may cause drying-out of epidermis of lips, and during the summer do not forget about putting on your lips products containing sun protection filters.

To make moisturizing cosmetics get absorbed better and work faster, give a try to a homemade lip scrub. Take a tablespoon of sugar and a tablespoon of honey. It is also suggested to add a little bit of your favourite plant oil or cosmetic butter. Mix all the ingredients precisely. Now, you can rub the homemade lip scrub into the lips. Use circular motions and when you finish, treat your lips with either a moisturizing cream or other cosmetic that include a protection factor. Thanks to this, you lips will be as good as new.
