Face cream is one of the most important cosmetics for many women. We pat it under makeup and before bedtime. Facial creams differ in terms of properties, skin type and skin age. Over the years, the needs of our skin change. What properties does the 20+, 30+ and 40+ face cream have? Face cream and age.

20+ face cream – properties

Between the ages of 20 and 30, the first wrinkles and discolourations appear and skin firmness decreases. To delay these processes, it is worth reaching for a 20+ face cream, which contains substances that fight free radicals. These include carotenoids, flavonoids, and vitamin C and E. 20+ face creams are enriched with sunscreen that prevents the formation of wrinkles, and fruit acids that take care of proper skin hydration. At this age, we can still have problems with acne, which is why the 20+ face cream often contains zinc and salicylic acid, which cleanse the skin and reduces seborrhea.

30+ face cream – properties

Women over 30 years of age have skin that is less supple and drier. The 30+ face cream continues to prevent wrinkles, but also contains ingredients that make existing wrinkles shallower. In addition, the 30+ face cream ensures proper skin nourishment. It is infused with retinoids or AHA hydroxyl acids, which help remove dead skin cells, stimulate healthy cells and stimulate renewal processes. Such products affect the production of collagen and hyaluronic acid in the skin, which enhance its elasticity. Face cream 30+ should be enriched with antioxidants such as vitamin C and E and coenzyme Q10, which improve the skin tone and eliminate discolouration.

40+ face cream – properties

After 40 years of age, the skin firmness is significantly reduced. The 40+ face cream should support the reconstruction of collagen and elastin fibres, and thus contain large amounts of retinol. Retinol reacts with the sun, so a 40+ face cream has a higher UV filter. Cosmetics for women of this age should improve the skin tone, hence the presence of coenzyme Q10, vitamins C and E and wheat or rice proteins. The 40+ face cream has a heavier consistency that makes the moisturizing effect last longer, and protects the capillaries from delating in the winter.
