Mother Nature created our organisms in such a way so they can regenerate  themselves and mend the injuries. The best time for self-restoration of the human body is night. This is when an organism has a rest and gathers strength so as to have the power to combat damaging external factors during the upcoming day. All we can do is help our organism a little bit with that process. Learn how to do this wisely.

While Sleeping Your Skin Renews Itself

Long and deep dream influences skin condition. If you sleep less than eight hours, its way easier for wrinkles and discolorations to develop on your body as the skin becomes flabby and dehydrated. How is it possible? So, during a night, the skin cell division process is accelerated a few times more than during a day. As a consequence, in the morning fine lines disappear, skin discolorations become slightly lightened and the complexion turns into being firm and supple. During a night, face and body skin cleanses itself fast and the dermis protective layer is rebuilt. Blood vessels extend, so the oxygenation follows, and the active substances penetrate deep into skin way faster and better.

What Cosmetics to Use at Bedtime?

It’s best to use creams of easing and soothing action. Also, products of moisturising and oxygenating action will serve you good. Twice a week, right before going to bed, do peeling that will remove the excess of sebum, dead epidermis cells and other impurities. Such a treatment will contribute to accelerated and better absorption of the remaining care cosmetics. Don’t forget to use nourishing or regenerative masks and under eye creams. In the evening perform a short massage which will improve the blood circulation and facilitate toxins removal from your organism.

Which Substances Are Necessary for the Skin for Night Regeneration?

Certainly, match the care products with your skin type and its needs. Take into consideration the fact that the composition of creams designed for night care differs from those designed for day care. They lack, for example, mattifying substances or sunscreens. Evening care cosmetics should contain, among others, moisturising and soothing substances. Favourable are also anti-oxidants, collagen and hyaluronic acid. Also fairly useful are vitamins A, C and E as well as fruit acids.
