It is not a secret that with age skin looses its firmness. The older we get, the more decreased is level of water accumulated in an organism. In fact, hyaluronic acid goes through the very same process, it also tends to vanish gradually. Lack of elasticity and proper moisturization have their consequence in wrinkles, discolourations, sagged skin and dry epidermis development. When skin is no longer firm, collagen fibers become deformed and the content of elastin in skin cells is really low. Luckily enough, there are easy methods of restoring firmness and elasticity to skin.

There is never too much of moisturization. Therefore, before you start rubbing creams and balms into the face skin, conduct a simple test. Grab into two fingers little skin fold, squeeze it gently and release. At the same time, pay attention to what is happening with the skin fold. In other words, how fast it takes to the skin fold to return to its primary form. The more time it needs to restore the shape, the lower degree of hydration your skin has. This state can be caused by many factors such as improper care and unhealthy diet (including alcohol consumption and cigarettes smoking), stress, and fatigue. What is more, factors originated from the external environment affect firmness of skin as well. These determinants include, for example, solar radiation, air pollution, and climate.

What is the method of improving skin firmness? One of the basic aspects connected with making face skin look better is providing it with protection from the sun. Regardless of the season, age or skin type, always remember to apply cosmetics containing UVA and UVB filters. Indeed, solar radiation facilitates development of wrinkles, discolourations, and skin drying. Suffice to choose the appropriate high level of sun protection filter in order to shield skin against water and firmness loss. Point often overlooked, skin can be hydrated also from the inside. Having this in mind, it is suggested drinking two liters of still minetral water everyday. What is more, having a good night rest will be also beneficial to the face skin. It is easier to take care of skin when it is regenerated and relaxed. As a matter of fact, firmness can be restored also by doing exercises regularly and applying cosmetics of firming properties.
