The truth is, not only teenagers suffer from acne nightmare. The very same problem is encountered by adults. Most often acne develops during puberty period, when the level of hormones is not set yet – it simply varies all the time. This kind of skin imperfection can be also connected with the menstrual cycle or some serious diseases. What is more, acne is likely to develop once we desist cleansing and moisturizing our face skin.

How to recognize acne skin type? In general, this kind of skin is characterized by, for example, dilated pores and pimples that appear on neck, cleavage, shoulders, and back. Unfortunately, such blemishes tend to leave marks and scars on skin. If products available in both drugstores and pharmacies cannot handle this problem, this means that you need to seek for advice in an office of a dermatologist. Such a specialist will help you choose the best medicaments and cosmetics that will eliminate the problem. In most cases, these will be products containing retinol and isotretinoin. These substances have highlighting and drying features.

Furthermore, it is typical for acne skin type to produce excessive amounts of sebum and developing blackheads and comedos. What is more, it is common that skin shines in an uncontrolled way in so-called T-zone (forehead, nose, chin). Certainly, this part of face is likely to be covered with acne at most. Obviously, both medical treatment and everyday face care have to match and answer this kind of skin type needs.

What is the best method for taking care of acne skin type? Unfortunately, all the preparations that cleanse deep and intensively are not always the finest option to choose. Indeed, they can irritate and make the skin completely dried-out. As a consequence, this leads to increased work of sebaceous glands and inundation of acne. In order to take care of acne skin type the right way, it is advisable to: eat regularly, change bed clothes and towels frequently, exfoliate dead epidermis cells twice a week, have acne exfoliation treatments done once a month, use delicate cleansing and care cosmetics, and limit application of colour cosmetics to the minimum.

Dermatological treatment can be enhanced by applying home remedies. Try to use herbal face masks as well as plant and fruit toners. In this case, it is advised to benefit from pansy, chamomile, banana, pear, and even honey. Avoid long sun exposure. This is true, the sun facilitates acne drying out, however, such sunbaths might result in development of new skin imperfections such as discolourations and wrinkles. Therefore, for better protection, use creams containing SPF.
